Cook County Criminal Lawyer
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Arlington Heights, Illinois
Attorney Christopher M. Cosley provides resourceful, dedicated and effective legal help to individuals throughout the greater Chicago area who are facing various felony and misdemeanor charges. Mr. Cosley represents adults and juveniles, striving to protect their rights, freedoms and futures. Contact our firm today to arrange your free consultation regarding any of the following legal matters.
Felony Defense A felony conviction stays on your criminal record for life. Our firm understands what is at stake and can build a strong defense on your behalf. We defend those charged with Illinois felony crimes that include aggravated assault, battery, armed robbery, weapons offense and property crimes.
Sex Crimes Our firm provides effective defense to people facing allegations of sex offenses such as rape, possession of child pornography, indecent exposure and sexual assault. We can help you protect your rights, freedom and future.
Drug Crimes You can count on our firm for vigorous defense of felony and misdemeanor drug charges. We address all issues involved in the charges, including search and seizure methods used by law enforcement.
Illinois DUI Defense If you or someone you care about has been charged with DUI, we can help. Our firm strives to help you keep your driving privileges and reduce the impact the drunk driving charges have on your life.
Repeat & Felony DUI For a serious offense such as felony DUI, you need legal help that is committed to obtaining the best possible outcome on your behalf.
Traffic Offenses A traffic violation can cause an increase to your insurance rates and loss of driving privileges. Our firm provides defense in various traffic matters that include speeding tickets, hit and run, reckless driving and more. We can minimize the impact of a traffic ticket.
Driver’s License Reinstatement Do you have a suspended driver’s license? We represent people in hearings at the Secretary of State’s office in an effort to obtain full and partial reinstatement of driving privileges.
Domestic Battery Our firm provides defense to those facing domestic violence charges related to domestic abuse, child abuse, violations of Orders of Protection and other issues.
Juvenile Defense A juvenile who has been charged with a crime deserves a second chance. Our firm provides effective defense to youngsters facing various types of felony and misdemeanor charges.
Construction Zone Ticket Traffic violations may not seem like a serious matter to some, but not all traffic violations are created equal. Serious traffic offenses can carry stiff penalties and can cost you more than just a fine. Speeding in a construction zone and other construction zone infractions are considered serious traffic offenses.
Retail Theft and Shoplifting Charges of retail theft, also known as shoplifting, are very serious in the State of Illinois. These offenses can carry stiff penalties and a host of other consequences. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is essential to protecting your rights, your freedom and your reputation.
Assault and Battery Assault and battery are serious crimes that can carry serious penalties. These crimes can be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies depending on the circumstances of the incident. If you are charged with assault and/or battery, hiring an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney is vital to protecting your rights and minimizing the negative consequences of these charges.
White Collar Crime While white collar crimes are often considered less serious than other types of crimes, they can pose an equal threat to your freedom and your reputation. White collar crimes can carry years of jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. Consequently, it is crucial to hire an experienced attorney to represent your interests if you are accused of a white collar crime or even if you are the subject of a white collar crime investigation.
Are you interested in learning more about the criminal defense services offered at the Law Offices of Christopher M. Cosley? Contact us today to arrange your free consultation.